![]() ![]() FERN,—MALE.Description:Aspidium Filix Mas. Most British Ferns are much alike, and therefore they require some discrimination. It grows at the roots of trees, in dry ditches, on heaths, borders of woods, and in rocky places, and sometimes contiguous to old walls. It has no flower-stalk; but several leaves rise from the root, each a distinct plant. It is two feet high, (the female Fern is much higher,) and nearly a foot broad. The stalk is naked for 6 or 8 inches, above which it has a row of ribs or smaller stalks, each carrying a double row of smaller leaves, with an odd one at the end, the whole forming one great leaf. Round clusters of seeds grow on the back of the smaller leaves. Herbal Remedies and Medicinal Uses of Fennel (female):The root, which is chiefly used, should be collected from July to September, washed and cleared of all decayed parts; dry well quickly and in the open air; powder those parts which are greenish internally, and keep in well- stopped bottles, in a dry place. It is a powerful remedy for worms, and its powder has been sold under a fictitious name as an infallible specific for worms, especially tape-worms. It is an ancient remedy, recommended by Dioscorides, Fragus, and Spigelius. The use of it has been very wisely revived, for it is the best anthelmintic, perhaps superior to the celebrated Kousso. For Tape-worm, of powder, from 1 to 3 drachms , taken on an empty stomach, and followed in 3 or 4 hours, by an aperient, as Castor Oil. A decoction of the fresh root or buds is 1 04effectual; dose about 3 ounces. The roots bruised, and boiled in oil, or lard, form a good ointment for healing wounds. The powdered root is also said to cure rickets in children. [NOTE: this article is reprinted from a herbalist's handbook written in the early 1800's. The advice given here should NOT be followed. Do not consume this plant. It can kill you!] See also Fern (Male)
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This page and the rest of the encyclopedia of medicinal herbs was reproduced from old herbals written in the 1700 and 1800s. They are of historical interest to show the traditional uses of various herbs based on folk medicine and ancient wisdom. However the traditional uses for these herbs have not been confirmed by medical science and in some cases may actually be dangerous. Do not use the these herbs for any use, medicinal or otherwise, without first consulting a qualified doctor. ![]() Browse Herbs Alphabetically: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |