![]() ![]() SCABIOUS.Description:— Scabiosa Succisa.—There are several kinds of Scabious, but those here described are the most familiar. Common field Scabious grows up with many hairy, soft, whitish green leaves, some of which are very small, a little jagged on the edges, others much rent and torn on the sides, and have threads in them, which upon breaking may be plainly seen; from which rise hairy green stalks, three or four feet high, with hairy green leaves deeply and finely divided and branched a little; they are naked and bare of leaves for a good space, but on the tops stand round heads of flowers, of a pale blueish colour. The flowers are the size of a small walnut, and composed of many little ones. The root is large, white, and thick, growing deep into the ground, and abides many years. There is another sort of FIELD SCABIOUS different in nothing from the former, but in being smaller. The CORN SCABIOUS differs little from the first, but it is larger in all respects, and the flowers more inclining to purple, and the root creeps under the crust of the earth. The first grows usually in meadows. The second in dry fields, but not so plentifully as the former. The third in standing corn, or fallow fields. They flower in July, and August. Herbal Remedies and Medicinal Uses of Scabious:—Scabious is very effectual in the cure of coughs, shortness of breath, and all other diseases of the breast and lungs, digesting and expectorating cold phlegm. Etmuller extols it for "Asthma and Pleurisy, and inward abscesses, ulcers, and imposthumes. The decoction purifies the blood, and taken inwardly, and used as a wash externally, it is a first-rate remedy for cutaneous eruptions. Some make the decoction in wine. The green herb bruised and applied to any carbuncle or sore, is found by certain experience to dissolve and break it in three hours. The decoction removes pains and stitches in the side. The juice or decoction drank, takes away scabs and breakings out of the itch. The juice made into an ointment is effectual for the same purpose. The dried root given in powder, promotes sweat, and is beneficial in fevers. By its astringency it tends to heal all inward wounds. A syrup made of the juice and sugar, or honey has the same effect. The decoction of the herb and roots outwardly applied, reduces hard or cold swellings, and relieves shrunk sinews or veins, and it heals green wounds and sores. The juice of Scabious, with the powder of Borax and Samphire, cleanses the skin of the face, or other parts of the body, from freckles, pimples, morphew and leprosy. The head washed with the warm decoction, cleanses it from scurf, sores, dandruff, and itch.
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This page and the rest of the encyclopedia of medicinal herbs was reproduced from old herbals written in the 1700 and 1800s. They are of historical interest to show the traditional uses of various herbs based on folk medicine and ancient wisdom. However the traditional uses for these herbs have not been confirmed by medical science and in some cases may actually be dangerous. Do not use the these herbs for any use, medicinal or otherwise, without first consulting a qualified doctor. ![]() Browse Herbs Alphabetically: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |