![]() ![]() ROSES.The Rose is esteemed the Queen of flowers. Its botanical name is Rosa, of the natural order Rosaceae. The varieties of this plant are very numerous. Three kinds are used medicinally, as follows :?The Don ROSE, Rosa Canina. It grows wild in hedges, and is well known as the Wild Rose. The fruit is chiefly used. The Hips are made into a confection, which is used as a vehicle for other remedies. It is pleasant and acidulous, and allays thirst caused by fever. The confection is thus made, The pulp is separated from the skins and seeds, and beat up into a conserve with sugar. Rub them well together. It is astringent, and very useful in diarrhea, dysentery, and coughs. The flowers gathered in the bud and dried are more astringent than the Red Roses. A tea made strong of these dried buds and some of them taken in powder, checks profuse menstruation. The seeds dried and powdered, work by urine gently, and are good against gravel. The CABBAGE, or Hundred-leaved Rose, Rosa Centifolia. Of this species Rose Water is made by distilling the leaves, or by mixing with water the volatile oil. It is a useful vehicle, a good eye-water, and much used in lotions. The petals make an excellent laxative Syrup.The DAMASCUS ROSE, Rosa Damascena. The flowers are used. From them is obtained the delicious perfume Otto, or Attar of Roses, of great celebrity throughout Europe, and Eastern lands especially. The Syrup is an excellent purge for children. There is not a better purgative for adults than this Syrup. Rose Water is also distilled from this kind. The RED on FRENCH ROSE, Rosa Gallica. The flowers are used. Gather them when in bud; cut from the husks, without the white bottoms, and dry. The conserve of Red Roses is made of these buds; they are beaten up with three times their weight of sugar. The infusion is made thus :Dried Rose leaves, 3 drachms , on which pour boiling water, 1 pint; then add dilute Sulphuric Acid, or Elixor of Vitriol 11 drachms ; macerate for 40 minutes in a covered vessel, strain, and add 6 drachms of lump sugar. Thoroughly mix.—The infusion is a useful beverage in fevers. It is an excellent gargle, and vehicle for many active remedies. It is given with advantage in Consumptive sweats, and fever; and with additional acid, and nitrate of Potass, in uterine and pulmonary hemorrhages, or spitting of blood. The Infusion also strengthens the stomach, prevents vomitings, and restrains dysentery. Some affirm that the White Roses possess equal virtues, and are rather more astringent. The leaves ground, and made into an ointment with lard, and a minute portion of Laudanum, are curative of the piles, and other inflamed parts. Rose leaves and Mint, heated and applied to the stomach, stay vomitings and strengthens a weak stomach. They form a good cooling fomentation for inflamed and pained parts.
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This page and the rest of the encyclopedia of medicinal herbs was reproduced from old herbals written in the 1700 and 1800s. They are of historical interest to show the traditional uses of various herbs based on folk medicine and ancient wisdom. However the traditional uses for these herbs have not been confirmed by medical science and in some cases may actually be dangerous. Do not use the these herbs for any use, medicinal or otherwise, without first consulting a qualified doctor. ![]() Browse Herbs Alphabetically: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |