![]() ![]() MUGWORT.Description:—Artemisia Vulgaris.—It has various leaves lying upon the ground, much divided, or cut deeply in about the brims, like wormwood, but larger, of a dark green colour on the upper side, and hoary white underneath. The stalk rises four or five feet high, having on it such leaves as those below, but rather smaller, branching forth towards the top, on which small pale yellowish flowers, like buttons appear in tufts. The root is long and hard, with many small fibres. It grows plentifully by water sides, and by small water-courses. Herbal Remedies and Medicinal Uses of Mugwort:—Mugwort removes obstructions of urine caused by stone. A decoction is said to cure the ague. The Chinese use it to heal wounds, applying tile fresh plant bruised. A drachm of the leaves powdered was given four times a day, by Dr. Home to a woman who had been affected with hysteric fits for many years. The fits ceased in a few days. All other medicines had failed. Being made up with lard into an ointment, it takes away wens and kernels that grow about the neck and throat; it is more effectual by adding a few field daisies. Three drachms of the powder of the dried leaves taken in wine, is a speedy and certain remedy for sciatica. A decoction of it with camomile and agrimony, and the place bathed, while it is warm, takes away the pains of the sinews, and the cramp.
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This page and the rest of the encyclopedia of medicinal herbs was reproduced from old herbals written in the 1700 and 1800s. They are of historical interest to show the traditional uses of various herbs based on folk medicine and ancient wisdom. However the traditional uses for these herbs have not been confirmed by medical science and in some cases may actually be dangerous. Do not use the these herbs for any use, medicinal or otherwise, without first consulting a qualified doctor. ![]() Browse Herbs Alphabetically: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |