![]() ![]() MOUSE-EAR.Description:—Pilosella.—This is a small herb possessing great virtues. Mouse-Ear is a low herb creeping upon the ground by small strings, like the Strawberry plant, by which it shoots forth small roots, and many short leaves, set in a round form together, very hairy, which being broken, give a whitish milk : from among these leaves spring up two or three small hoary stalks about a span high, with a few smaller leaves thereon; at the tops but one flower appears, consisting of many pale yellow leaves, broad at the point, and a little dented in three or four rows, very like a dandelion flower, and reddish underneath the edges. The seeds are winged with down. It grows on ditch banks, and in dry ditches, and in sandy grounds. It flowers about June or July, and is green all Winter. Herbal Remedies and Medicinal Uses of Mouse Ear:—The juice taken in wine, or the decoction-drank, is good in jaundice, even of a chronic character, to be taken in the morning and evening, and abstain from other drink three hours after. It is a special remedy against the stone, and the tormenting pains thereof, and griping pains of the bowels. The decoction with succory and centaury is very effectual in dropsy, and the diseases of the spleen. It restrains fluxes of blood, either at the mouth or nose, and inward bleeding also. It is a specific for wounds both inward and outward. There is a syrup made of the juice and sugar by the apothecaries of Italy, and other places, which they deem a remedy for cough and consumption. The green herb bruised, and bound on a cut or wound, quickly heals it. The distilled water is a good wash for wounds and sores.
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This page and the rest of the encyclopedia of medicinal herbs was reproduced from old herbals written in the 1700 and 1800s. They are of historical interest to show the traditional uses of various herbs based on folk medicine and ancient wisdom. However the traditional uses for these herbs have not been confirmed by medical science and in some cases may actually be dangerous. Do not use the these herbs for any use, medicinal or otherwise, without first consulting a qualified doctor. ![]() Browse Herbs Alphabetically: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |