![]() ![]() CLOWN'S WOUND WORTDescriptionRusticum Vulna Herba. It grows usually about two feet high, with square, green, rough stalks, but slender, joined far asunder, and two of them are very long, narrow dark green leaves, bluntly dented at the edges, ending in a long point. The flowers stand towards the tops, encompassing the stalks at the joints with the leaves, and end in a spiked top, having long and gaping hoods of a purplish red colour, with whitish spots in them, and standing in somewhat round husks. The root is composed of many long fibres, with tuberous long knobs of a pale yellowish or whitish colour. The plant has a strong smell.It grows frequently by path-sides in fields, and in or near ditches. It flowers in June or July, and the seed is ripe soon after. Herbal Remedies and Medicinal Uses of Clown's Wound Wort:It is very effectual in fresh and green wounds, and therefore beareth not its name for nought. And it is very available in staunching of blood, and to dry up the humours in old ulcers, cankers, etcetera. that hinder the healing of them.A syrup made of the juice of it is inferior to none for inward wounds, ruptures of veins, bloody flux, vessels broken, spitting, or vomiting blood. Ruptures are wonderfully cured by taking now and then a little of the syrup, and applying an ointment or plaister of this herb to the place. Also, if any vein, or muscle be swelled, apply a plaister of this herb to it — the addition of a little Comfrey to it, renders it more effectual. This herb is very valuable, and should not be overlooked.
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This page and the rest of the encyclopedia of medicinal herbs was reproduced from old herbals written in the 1700 and 1800s. They are of historical interest to show the traditional uses of various herbs based on folk medicine and ancient wisdom. However the traditional uses for these herbs have not been confirmed by medical science and in some cases may actually be dangerous. Do not use the these herbs for any use, medicinal or otherwise, without first consulting a qualified doctor. ![]() Browse Herbs Alphabetically: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |