HerbsAmazing.com - The online encyclopedia of herbalist folklore, herbal remedies, and natural cures


Papaver Somniferum, of the natural order Papaveraceae. Opium is the dried juice of white or Eastern Poppy.

The text of the original entry has been removed. Opium is very dangerous. You should never consume it or or any of its derivative products.

[NOTE: this article is reprinted from a herbalist's handbook written in the early 1800's. Do not consume this plant. It can kill you!]

This site presents information about the common uses of various herbs and plants.

This information is intended for your general knowledge only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Always seek the advice of your qualified physician or other health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard or delay in seeking medical advice.

The information on this site is reprinted and derived primarily from a herbal encyclopedia written in the 1800s. Therefore the information may be out of date, obsolete, or dangerous. Do not follow the recommendations on this site even when the text appears to refer to the opinion of medical doctors (in fact the doctors cited are herbalists from the 1800s whose knowledge and recommendations should not be regarded as accurate. All recipes, prescriptions and advice regarding dosage or usage of specific herbs or plants including how to combine them, when and under what circumstances to use them, is taken from the original herbal encyclopedia written in the 1800s and therefore should not be relied on. Such recipes, prescriptions, and dosage instructions are presented for historical interest only and are not intended to be followed. Do not follow any advice or recommendation on this site. Do not use any herb, drug, plant or compound without first obtaining the advice of a qualified medical professional.


HerbsAmazing.com is an online encyclopedia about natural herbal remedies based on traditional uses and folklore.

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